The might of the little black book

It’s the secret weapon of geniuses. It’s not whimsy or vanity, but rather legacy. A black book—compact, discreet, potent. The canvas of visionaries like Da Vinci and Picasso, whose scribbles became revolutions. Business moguls like Rockefeller, who scribbled margins...

Patterns in history

Delve thousands of years into history. Notice anything familiar? Pandemics sweep nations, markets rise and fall, and human behavior echoes through time. Wars fought over ideologies, economies crumbling under greed, and societies rebuilding from ashes. We’re part...

Who do you invite to your table?

The cornerstone of success? People. The right ones transform strategy into supremacy. They’re the soul of innovation, drive, and competitive edge. Yet, many miss the mark. Why? Leaders, reflect: Are your hires potential game-changers, capable of outshining you?...

Always a choice

‘I don’t have a choice.’ How often do we hear this? But pause and consider: there’s always a choice at every crossroad and obstacle. Boldly move forward, cautiously inch ahead, or retreat. There’s even the choice to stand still. Each is a decision,...

Leadership: A Privilege, Not a Right

Who does leadership serve? It’s a question that’s not asked often enough. Leadership, at its core, is about others, not oneself. It’s a privilege, an honor bestowed upon those willing to bear the mantle of responsibility and ownership. The true...