Behind the mask

Too often, we work closely with individuals yet have no sense of who they are or what is important to them. We are quick to judge and assume. We inevitably form unfounded and invalidated opinions regarding individual behaviors and character without knowledge of the...

Like, to be liked

Watch children at play – they instinctively know who genuinely wants to share their toys. No fancy words or promises required. That raw human detector never leaves us; it just gets buried under politeness and protocol. We carry mental ledgers of authenticity....

Delegation: Trust or micromanage

Delegation is a dance, but many leaders stumble through it. They assign tasks, then hover, changing scope and timelines on a whim. The result? Demotivated employees and frustrated leaders. According to a Gallup study, only 30% of employees feel their opinions count at...

A leader’s greatest gift

As leaders, we often discuss the importance of trust in our teams. We want our people to trust us and each other and to create an environment where trust is the foundation of every interaction. But there’s a secret that many leaders miss: trust isn’t...

The unseen bonds of success

In leadership, the power of personal connections cannot be overstated. Just like the intricate relationship between an F1 driver and their race engineer, where success is as much about the unspoken bond as it is about skill and strategy, so too does organizational...