Must do v want to

In pursuing high performance, leaders of small to mid-sized companies understand the transformative power of motivation. It’s the fuel that drives teams to achieve remarkable results, creating an environment that’s productive and genuinely enjoyable. However,...

Dismiss the snooze button

Ready for a life overhaul but unsure where to begin? Consider your morning routine. If the snooze button is your daily nemesis, it’s time for a wake-up call — literally. Every tap on snooze whispers a message: “I’m not ready for what’s coming.”...

What makes you tick

A profound question often shapes our journey: “Do you engage in an activity for the sheer joy of it, or do you play with the unwavering determination to win?” This dilemma, as explored by George Stalk Jr., transcends boundaries, permeating both individual...

Your best – why not?

Society, through the generations, is intent on progress.  With that, we tend to measure what progress is being made by looking at bigger, better, faster, and more robust. To attain any goal, there are inevitably many factors that we must consider, some within our...

Flawed justifications

Individuals go through the daily grind of work, some for decades, and then finally hang it up. Strangely, they will often endure it well beyond the time they attain any pleasure because of others’ opinions or persuasion. The parent believes that this is what...