Culture is King

Ever watched a titan fall? Or witnessed the underdog’s rise? It’s not black magic; it’s culture, shaped by those at the helm. Consider Liverpool FC, a case study in leadership and legacy. How did a team bolstered by just four seasoned players and a...

Who’s watching the news?

I will admit: I am not a fan of TV. Why, you ask? It’s a drama-filled spectacle, more about judgment than journalism, more biased opinion than unbiased facts. What’s in it for me? If something essential happens, it inevitably finds its way to me. But...

Bad behavior

It is simple enough, and often lazy, to assess the behaviors of others, form an opinion, and rate it relative to our standards. In many cases, we have little opportunity to correct or realign the behavior to our liking, yet we still judge. The dynamic changes when the...

What makes you tick

A profound question often shapes our journey: “Do you engage in an activity for the sheer joy of it, or do you play with the unwavering determination to win?” This dilemma, as explored by George Stalk Jr., transcends boundaries, permeating both individual...

In the office matters

In today’s digital age, remote work has become more prevalent, offering flexibility and convenience. This was further amplified during the pandemic.  However, being together holds immense value for organizations that prioritize their people (all organizations...