Venturing into the 5 AM Club

Have you ever pondered the secret sauce of high achievers? It’s not just about grinding harder or serendipity. It’s about the ungodly hour they rise. Enter the realm of the 5 AM Club – a not-so-secret society where the early bird doesn’t just...

The pecking order

Reflecting on my childhood and later years, it is fascinating to think about the various groups I was a part of, including classroom, teams, family, and even friend circles. I recall trying to understand where I fit in and my role within each of those circles, even in...


Some events and stories have a more significant bearing on us, creating patterns of inspiration and hope that leave an indelible mark on our hearts. Just a few days ago, I shared the story: Mysterious Ways’ of a father and his seven-year-old son, whose journey through...

Extend grace

We are aware, deliberately or inadvertently, of our strengths and potential limitations. We feel discomfort and apprehension when we venture into new territory and engage in something unfamiliar and challenging. Typically, we grant ourselves some latitude and grace as...

Getting what you want

Would it not be brilliant always to get what you want? But if we choose to live in reality, that does not occur regardless of who we are or think we are. It is not unusual to hear leaders say they are displeased because they did not get what they wanted. The words are...