We are aware, deliberately or inadvertently, of our strengths and potential limitations. We feel discomfort and apprehension when we venture into new territory and engage in something unfamiliar and challenging. Typically, we grant ourselves some latitude and grace as we take it on. After all we are being adventurous and courageous in this endeavor.

Similarly, when others take on something new and unfamiliar, we expect they can cope and may even be frustrated when they are cautious, hesitant, and stumble. 

We all have inherent limitations at the outset because of our prior experiences and expertise. We may get there, but the path is uncertain. Therefore, affording others the grace we permit ourselves is a requirement and should be a foundation of our approach when working with teams.

One may have the capability to get there. However, are we more likely to be successful when we feel supported, and someone is behind us or when we feel alone and scrutinized as we struggle?

Same situations, differing support, no more time.
