Job done

The goal we set with clear expectations, deliverables and measurable outcomes are simple to understand. Did you arrive on time? Did you meet the sales target? Were you able to save the amount by the given date? Did it meet expectations? If we were almost there, we did...

Living in the extreme

In the intricate web of life, our journey is punctuated by moments of exhilarating highs and disheartening lows. These emotional peaks and valleys often mirror the degree of our involvement and dedication. The deeper we immerse ourselves in a situation, the more...

Maintaining standards

We all have standards. They’re the bar we set for ourselves, and they’re what help us achieve our goals. But what happens when our standards start to slip? It’s easy to let our standards slip when we’re tired or stressed or feel beaten down by...

Compensating adjustments

Within the marvel of the human body lies a symphony of adaptations and interconnections, both mysterious and awe-inspiring. We marvel at its intricate design but fail to grasp the intricate dance that unfolds beneath the surface. Compensating adjustments and the...

Leading and lagging indicators

In measurement and analysis, two types of indicators hold significant value: lagging and leading indicators. While they serve different purposes, both are essential for comprehensively understanding performance, progress, and future possibilities. Think of it as...