Motives unmasked

What drives you? Better yet, who’s fueling that drive? We’re led. Sometimes astray. By others’ motives, hidden agendas, and the unseen pull of puppet strings. Their intentions? A mystery. History is riddled with the misled and the misleaders. The...

Bad behavior

It is simple enough, and often lazy, to assess the behaviors of others, form an opinion, and rate it relative to our standards. In many cases, we have little opportunity to correct or realign the behavior to our liking, yet we still judge. The dynamic changes when the...

Pick and choose

Amidst a field of apples, each may appear alike, yet differences lie within. Some stand firm and vibrant, while others yield to the touch, their colors muted. Our choice determines our experience and satisfaction. We’re fortunate to navigate the orchard of...


A wonderful virtue and one that almost seems unfashionable in society today with the proliferation of verboseness and grandstanding. If you think or say you are humble, you likely aren’t....

WHat do you care about?

Since we have endless choices and possibilities, our decisions become the compass guiding our lives. Time, a finite resource, all share, so we should invest wisely. We reap the rewards when we invest our time and energy with discipline and intent. It’s essential...