What drives you? Better yet, who’s fueling that drive?

We’re led. Sometimes astray. By others’ motives, hidden agendas, and the unseen pull of puppet strings. Their intentions? A mystery.

History is riddled with the misled and the misleaders. The Trojans welcomed a wooden horse led by the deceit of Greeks. Did they question the motive behind the gift?

Consider the dot-com bubble. Investors, led by greed, ignored the basics. Why? Because the crowd roared on, and fear of missing out led the charge.

A good idea at the time, so that one may think, but questionable accomplices in time.

But let’s turn the mirror. Our motives—do they align with our actions? Or do we dance to a tune that’s not our own?

This isn’t about judgment. It’s about awareness. It’s about pausing the anthem to listen.

Are we being led? If so, why? And more importantly, to what end?

Question the path before the next step. It’s your story, after all, and no one will recall your motive but rather your action.
