The perfect box

The design of boxes, while reasonably standard overall, be it square or rectangular, has evolved significantly, especially in the past few years. It comprised four sides with an open top and bottom, each containing four flaps that can easily be assembled to create a...

No bad ideas

Strategic thinking is a process revered and employed by many, but how open are we really? In the confines of boardrooms and brainstorming sessions, there’s a hidden barrier—our own biases and preconceptions, often led by those in charge. “No bad...

One by one

Individuals and organizations who want to advance will often embark on several initiatives to improve performance and make progress. It is a phenomenon even more prevalent with failing organizations. In an attempt for a turnaround, they will set out to do many tasks...

Begin at the end

We begin working on projects and soon find we are taking a different direction midway. Uncertainty prevails, discontent is apparent, and often we sit back and question the process or the people executing the task. While it can be essential to be fluid and flexible...

When it matters

Creating a new product or service is exciting, fulfilling, and valuable – for the creator. What we make only has value when the people we are creating it for finds value in it.  Designing from our viewpoint is what we typically do and is more straightforward;...