Delve thousands of years into history. Notice anything familiar? Pandemics sweep nations, markets rise and fall, and human behavior echoes through time. Wars fought over ideologies, economies crumbling under greed, and societies rebuilding from ashes.

We’re part of this cycle. Our negotiations, relationships, and communication are predictable. History isn’t just events; it’s a mirror reflecting our collective behaviors, repeating and unchanging.

Or can it change? We’re creatures of habit, yes, but also of change. Breaking patterns isn’t easy; it’s against our nature. But it’s not impossible.

Change requires more than will; it needs a catalyst—someone to challenge, inspire, and guide. Alone, we follow the paths trodden by ancestors, while together, we forge new ones.

Consider your role. Are you repeating history, or are you writing it?

What is your catalyst, and how will it change? 
