
How often has a parent been stumped by the simple question of a two-year-old repeatedly asking ‘why?’ This simple question reveals complexity while seeking clarity. Young children will begin to use it as soon as they wish to understand what goes on around them. ...

Push the limits

We restrict children for good reason, often to protect, teach or even to confine. They, in response, push the boundaries as they should. They learn why the limitations exist, and they also know how to be creative and resourceful to potentially overcome the limits. In...

Back to the office

The percentage of people vaccinated is rapidly approaching fifty percent, and many public access restrictions have begun to fall, which also hails the return to regular office conditions. What is normal?  What have we learned over the past year? Did we lose...

Through The Eyes Of A Child

When do we truly experience things for what they are? When we see something for the first time without preconceived expectations, we can apply our senses to absorb the scene or situation devoid of our conditioned bias and experience it with a virgin mind. The same...

The Pursuit of Innovation

Organizations are either innovative or not. For some, it is the way forward, and the quest to advance, improve, and transform.  For others, the value is in maintaining consistency, status quo, and minimal disruption. These two principles can operate in tandem....