We choose to be part of teams primarily for two reasons: we want to be a part of something more than ourselves and believe that as a team, we can accomplish more than we can alone. 

Strong teams always prevail when pitted against individuals. However, not all groups are equal.  The fact is prevalent in the areas of sport but also exists in business, organizations, art, and even personal teams.  

As we likely gravitate toward teams we aspire to, we attract team members based on the positive aura we create. Therefore, we must be judicious with who is part of our team and intentionally select individuals who will enhance us, motivate us, and persevere for the common good.

When selecting our team, we should seek those individuals who portray positivity in their actions and even more in their thoughts. If we choose to languish in memory, there is an abundance of members we can select, but when it comes to positivity, few will rise and self-select. 

Select winners who have proven they can overcome adversity and win regardless of circumstances. Winners who are not positive can be a challenge since they inevitably bring the team down as they struggle with themselves to overcome personal challenges. The whole team need not comprise solely of active participants, but we should select role models, mentors, and coaches who can guide and support us towards our goals. These individuals are likely positive winners themselves.

A strong team will help elevate your sense of possibility, reinforce your capability and get you closer to your goals. We all need teams and appreciate that they may evolve significantly if the members are not changing with you, by your choice or theirs. 

How does your team look?
