An elderly Cherokee Indian chief was imparting wisdom to his grandson about the essence of life.

He began, “Within me rages a fierce battle,” he confided in the young boy, “a battle waged by two wolves.”

“The Dark one, son, embodies evil – it carries anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The Light Wolf, on the other hand, embodies good – it radiates joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This very battle, my dear grandson, rages within you as well… and within every soul on this planet.”

The grandson pondered this momentarily and then inquired, “Grandfather, which wolf shall emerge victorious?”

The old Cherokee beamed and replied, “The one you nurture.”

Every day, we stand at the crossroads of choices, seemingly insignificant but laden with significance. These choices shape our identity and influence our impact on the world.

It’s undeniably tempting to nourish the Dark wolf — it tempts us with the path of least resistance. Procrastination, complaints, dismissal, apathy, and surrender come effortlessly. They offer instant gratification without the need for much exertion.

Now, the Light wolf, oh, it’s a different story! It hungers for our attention, and feeding it demands effort. Learning, teaching, inspiring, sharing, or simply adhering to new habits, all require energy, determination, vulnerability, momentum, and courage. These endeavors are time-consuming, and immediate rewards often remain elusive.

The choice of which wolf to feed is a defining one. We all know we ought to nurture the Light wolf, even though it’s the tougher path. Fostering the Light wolf is how we bask in the glow of accomplishment and success when the day is done.

But wait, there’s more to this tale. In the Cherokee tradition, a different version unfolds.

The wise Cherokee chief gently remarked, “If you tend to them both, they both thrive.” And the narrative continues:

“You see, if I were to solely nurture the Light wolf, the Dark wolf would lurk around every corner, seeking to exploit my distraction or weakness. He’d forever remain resentful and perpetually at odds with the Light wolf.”

“But when I acknowledge him, he finds contentment, and both the Dark and Light wolf flourish. For the Dark wolf possesses qualities — tenacity, courage, fearlessness, strong-willed determination, and keen strategic thinking — that I sometimes require. These are the very attributes the Light wolf may lack. Yet, the Light wolf brings compassion, empathy, strength, and the wisdom to discern what serves the greater good.”

“You see, my son, the Light wolf needs the Dark wolf by its side. Feeding only one would starve the other, leading to chaos. Caring for both ensures they serve you well, contributing only to what is greater, noble, and life-affirming.”

“Feed them both, and the inner turmoil subsides. In that serene stillness, you can heed the voices of profound wisdom that guide you to make the right choices in every circumstance.”

“Peace, my child, is the Cherokee’s life’s mission. A person who harbors inner peace possesses everything. One torn apart by an internal war possesses nothing.”

“Your interactions with these opposing forces within you shall determine your life’s course. Starve one, guide both, and you shall find harmony.”

So, which wolf have you been nurturing of late?
