The opportunities for us to excel are almost infinite. First, you can pursue your passions in many directions, including academic, sporting, philanthropy, business, or the arts. You can decide to master any of the five facets of your life: social, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. Finally, we can select a role we wish to play: the parent, the employee, the volunteer; you name it.

Similarly, you can choose not to excel at any and instead substitute that with the discipline of making excuses and blame. Yes, that is a practice too, and many will fall prey to that. The same people seem to have all the gossip, a long list of reasons, people undermining their ability to succeed, or always being unlucky. Look around you. It is the same people who relish in this not as a past-time but rather as a mission,

What we choose to be and excel in is typically who we become. You decide where you want your A’s, and that will define you.
