In a world awash with buzzwords and jargon, ‘strategy’ is one of the most overused and misunderstood terms today. But what is strategy, really?

Let’s demystify it. Strategy, at its core, is a plan—a plan to achieve a specific goal. It’s about choosing how to allocate resources, time, and effort to reach that goal. Simple, right?

But, like many things, simplicity can get buried beneath layers of complexity. Strategy’s origins trace back to ancient military tactics, where generals devised plans to win battles. Over time, it evolved into the business world, guiding organizations to gain a competitive edge.

Fast forward to today, and ‘strategy’ has become an overused catchall phrase, often distorted and overcomplicated. It’s lost in buzzwords, corporate jargon, and lengthy documents.

So, how do we cut through the clutter and get to the heart of strategy? Enter Jim Collins, who offers a brilliantly straightforward definition: ‘A strategy is simply an action plan to achieve a specific result.’

In one sentence, Collins reminds us of strategy’s essence—clarity, simplicity, and a laser focus on results.

Now, the challenge: Can you describe your organization’s or strategy in one simple sentence? If not, it might be time to revisit your plan and distill it to its core. Because simplicity and clarity are your greatest strategic allies in a world of noise.
