If we pay attention and observe, we can see the signs. Like the appliance that starts to play up and malfunction, performance stops suddenly, and soon enough, it suddenly seems to break down. Nothing is sudden.  The signs were there for you to see and act on.

Similarly, problems come to your attention within organizations when they were likely there before. You are losing sales, it all takes longer than before, and service is dissatisfying at best. Unless one initiates intentional actions to change the dynamic or situation, inevitably, it will continue to break down until there is a minor calamity or significant setback.

Watch the signals. Pay attention and take action.  Suppose it requires a boost or upgrades do it. If it is people, seek to motivate, change processes, or even personnel. If a supplier, you have little control over their policies and systems, so find another.

To be high performing, you must surround yourself with a network of high performers. Then, make the change or continue to be the excuse.
