Driving on roads, especially unfamiliar ones, we depend on the road signs and directions. Inevitably they prevent and limit mishaps and disasters by going the wrong way, taking the wrong turn, or misjudging the sharpness of corners.

While we cannot dispute it, how often do authorities get it so wrong? Many would argue too often. The exit posted just beyond the turnoff itself, the ‘wrong way’ was signposted well beyond the entry point, and the yellow and black chevrons came deep into the turn.

The issue is not unique to transport and urban planning authorities.  The likelihood of organizations only taking note when the incident has occurred, and then we warn. Too often, we assume what others should know or what is expected and acceptable, while there is no logical reason that they should.

Erring on caution and safety may inevitably save us from accidents and untold damage. The time we take to be sure everyone is aware and understands directions and guidelines is far less time and cost compared to that of catastrophes.
