How wonderful they are! Your level of proficiency is not significant. Can you read, follow instructions and complete some basic tasks? Then you can prepare a five-star recipe?

Yet, how often have you, with diligence, followed the recipe with precision to find that 5-star rated instructions are only a 3 for you? 

Do we ever step back and ask ourselves, to what extent are we following the stated instructions? The same ingredients. The same steps. What could go wrong? Was our medium onion their medium onion, and what is a pinch? Even if we move past the essential ingredients, what about the tools we use? The pan, the oven, the heat calibration, and even room temperature. Undoubtedly, a dish prepared in the Antarctic will be different from that prepared at the equator. 

We assume it should be a five with no insight into where and who the original chefs are. Even more so, do we ever ask who rated these dishes? Are they aligned with our tastes and level of proficiency or gastronomic vigor?

Today we can pull so many ideas off the internet in a minute. While some things may have worked for others, do we have any semblance that the same will apply to us? Far too many variables are at play for us to expect the same outcomes. Investigate, review, dig deeper, learn and improvise if needed. The recipe is yours alone; make it that. Buon appetito!
