I am because you are. An African philosophy with origins from the southern Nguni word suggests that we are all connected, and our individual experiences affect everyone. Therefore, we rely on each other and are dependent on each other.  

The philosophy requires us to look beyond human relationships and reflect on our interaction and balance with the ecosystem. There is an interdependence of which we are each integral. 

Consider beyond ourselves and, dispel our ego, take the time to understand our relationship with everything and how we impact everyone and everything around us. In this, stead value systems are fundamental to our existence and being.

While wars rage far afield, the disruption of supply chains, over-production occurs, and climate change negatively prevails, we are not merely witnesses yet participants in some capacity.  Similarly, your intentions, thoughts, words, and actions will bear on others beyond what we appreciate.  So, where do your responsibilities lay, and what positive steps can you assume today?

Watch this short video from the BBC The philosophy that can change how you look at life
