Communication remains one of the more significant challenges in any organization or relationship, and most organizations will always have a facet of communication as a goal for improvement.  So for something we do daily, why is it we can get it so wrong at times?

While many elements go into good communication, one that often arises is delivering a message.  While the intent and the content of a notification may be appropriate either in guidance, instruction, or critique, the failing is most often in the delivery.

How often have you not been exposed to a situation where something was incorrect? You recognize the mistake, yet the tone and inflection of the feedback or instruction are delivered with a harsh tone, accusatory, insulting, or unkind manner, and the message is lost altogether. The focus is now the delivery itself. And this is not limited to actual spoken words; it is in emails and body language.  Shutting down, crossed arms, piercing eyes, and being taught lips are aspects of negative delivery.

You may be right, yet if we want others to understand the message better and align with us, careful attention to our delivery may be necessary.
