Don’t you always want to be correct? Or praised for what you have completed?  Of course, that acknowledgment is appreciated and will help our confidence.  However, you likely already knew you were right or that it was well done. And how does knowing what you know help?

What when we are missing the mark? Who is there for us, then?  If we only surround ourselves with agreeable people, where will we receive the needed feedback to correct our mistakes and help us develop? It may be simple to tell others they did well, but it takes courage and care to show them where they may struggle and cannot see it. 

Surrounding yourself with a fan club may feel suitable for now, but fans will also move on when disenchanted—ever seen some fans behave when their team is losing? On the other hand, you are not seeking mom support either – the type that views everything you do or say with rose-tinted spectacles. You need those who are there with you, firm and objective yet caring enough to know that honesty is what is necessary.

Choosing the proper support will be the ones we will become dependent on; we are uncertain and seek guidance, for we know they will not falsely lead us astray with a positively-biased sentiment.
