Not everything we do needs to be efficient. Some simple tasks we perform we do with dated practices simply for the pure pleasure of immersing in the process.

Writing a letter or prose is far simpler using a digital medium since we can quickly correct it. Similarly, making espresso with a fully automated machine with pods will give us a regular brew every time. Technology and progress have given rise to efficiencies and consistency in output for our benefit.

Yet, we obtain a different interaction and pleasure from writing in our journal, even though it’s likely filled with mistakes and tardy penmanship. Similarly, the joy of grinding the beans, tamping, and brewing the coffee is much different from that of inserting the pod into the machine. But, unfortunately, we can become so obsessed with the outputs and goals we seek that we take little pleasure in the process itself, and what we would gain from immersing in it is far greater than the mere pleasure of the result.
