With ambition, you may desire to grow as fast as possible. While the goal may be admirable, we too often miss much in pursuit of being all-conquering.

Take the time and dedicate resources to perfect one thing first. Become good at that, and then we can more easily spread our focus. Others will also better understand what we do and are good at. We will become recognizable.

We can apply this principle to many facets of what we do. If we want to teach something or learn something new, dedicated attention to one subject element is likely to resonate more than one that bombards many topics at once. Even the essential things you want to accomplish today – what is the one you need to complete? If you get that right, you can move to the next.

Determining one thing is not a lazy approach but a more difficult one. Once selected, you have the little excuse of distraction not to be working at it, and going deeper requires your attention.
