Most adults spend a disproportionate amount of their time working. If we factor in travel and preparation and actual time at work, we may be dedicating as much as sixty percent or more of our time working.

Work is necessary for most to provide financially, enable us to do the other things we enjoy, and provide for basic needs.  You may even be very competent and respected for your expertise. 

But are you having fun with it? Waking up in the morning and saying I cannot wait to tackle the [fill in the blank] issue is something we can all admire. You are excited, relish the time you spend doing the work you do, and are grateful for your job. Or is this merely a dream for you?

A friend recently asked, ‘Can you ever truly be successful at work if you are not having fun?’  Having fun with what we spend most of our time doing should be necessary.  Do we pursue hobbies or exercise that we do not enjoy? Before you say, ‘what else could I do consider whether it is reasonable that there is not one job in the over five billion available globally that may not be best suited and even fun for you.
