There are numerous recounts of individuals winning the lottery and then finding their lives turned upside down. They have new problems, are targeted, and the balance they once had in their lives is no longer in place.

Similarly, no one wishes to go broke or be diagnosed with severe disease. Yet, in these instances, some confront their misfortune and begin to appreciate overlooked aspects of their lives and use it to establish a foundation for gratitude and personal growth. 

Both are change agents offering potential divergent outcomes.

It is not only in extreme instances but daily occurrences that we have the potential of hitting the jackpot or taking the poison. For example, you lose a client, get a new errant boss, lose in a relationship, fail an exam or miss a promotion.  While we may consider these as unfavorable at the outset, they are an opportunity for us to reevaluate our values and actions and position ourselves to do and be better.

The event that transpires is not of most significance, but instead how we view what has happened and what we choose to do next.
