Why is it that information is presented to us from the earliest of ages and then immediately expected to have a response? Then later in life, we discover that the notion of ‘thinking on your feet is not always the best action, but also one that is somewhat flawed. 

There is little doubt that reframing our perspective on responses and reactions will bode us well. When presented with information or subjected to action, there is that moment, the pause, before we react and respond. That is the golden moment. Here we have a choice and one that we own entirely. Will it be rash, uncalculated, filled with emotion and defiance, or calm, tempered, and thoughtful?

We can be deliberate in our response to the pause, but we can also be pleased with it. There are few instances where we can reflect on a spontaneous and irrational reaction and be proud of where we landed. We cannot take that back. However, we can learn to pause, giving ourselves time to react appropriately.
