“Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.” Mom was right.  There is a theory that we are the product of the five people we spend the most time with. Take a moment and think about it. We choose to be with these people. Why? We relate and identify.  We feel comfortable, we believe we thrive with them. In many ways, we are so alike.

In business, it is no different. The quality of an organization is dependent on the people it hires to lead, and then in turn create teams. A culture develops and takes on a persona.  Similarly, an organization is only as effective as its supply chain and partnerships. Careful selection, vetting, and subsequently nurturing and developing is an integral requirement for any organization seeking to prosper. It applies to for-profit and not-profits.      

Being thoughtful and methodical in choosing our friends is necessary if we want to grow and remain true to ourselves.
