The constant need for stimulation. Social media, the news, coffee, sugar, exercise, tasks, Netflix, online shopping, and podcasts continue. We are constantly searching for a hit of dopamine and all the activities that provide just that. We even eat to get that momentary, but no sooner are we searching for the next one since the effect wears off fast. 

Have we forgotten who we are and lost touch with ourselves? Imagine a day without the unnecessary elements and merely focused on the essentials: water, a small meal, fresh air, and ourselves.

You believe you need a break; maybe even a spa day is called for.  You likely do, but it is primarily a break from all the elements you crave so much to give you that sense of exhilaration. 

Take a home spa day: no phone, no laptop, no multiple cups of coffee, tv, and endless snacking. Instead, get comfortable, wear loose clothing, put on soft music, listen to the birds and insects, possibly light a candle or burn incense, and just relax with your crazy beautiful thoughts. Perhaps even allow your hand to write or draw. You have no place to go, and whatever appears to be so important will likely still be there tomorrow.

For now, it is you, and you should begin to rid yourself of those crutches you rely on because they only fuel an inner desire to add more. This vicious cycle further fuels our sense of hurriedness and angst and is a process we should look to end swiftly and confidently.
