Schedule ahead of the game

It’s your game. Some rules may be your own; others may be created with you or dictated by others. But it is the game. The game of being ahead of ‘it.’  How we start the year and where we are in the game depends on you. If you wait until January 1 to begin to...

Calendar set

We typically attend all the meetings we plan for, the appointments we make, and the events we want to attend. If you believe in the power of the schedule, you will be blocking out blocks in your calendar to do the things you need to, with specificity. What about the...

The doing is diFficult

We belabor a decision on a new initiative, hiring a new employee, or creating a new strategy for the organization. No sooner than we commit to doing it do we appreciate the simplicity of the task. And while there are inevitably some obstacles, we can simply overcome...

Which priorities?

Our priorities are relevant. They define us. We choose to state what is essential and uphold those ideals. Let’s begin with the word priority: It suggests what is most important. But then, we have allowed ourselves to permit many priorities to deal with our inability...

Whose to-do list

The proverbial list of tasks requiring attention. Depending on your approach, this may feel endless on any given day. Some are important, others are urgent, and many are trivial. Yet, all require completion. Have you defined whose list you are attending to? Is it...