The one thing

With ambition, you may desire to grow as fast as possible. While the goal may be admirable, we too often miss much in pursuit of being all-conquering. Take the time and dedicate resources to perfect one thing first. Become good at that, and then we can more easily...

Results through momentum

Momentum is all too necessary to attain your goals. It may take some effort and time to get it going.  Initial efforts seem to produce little return, but then we gain momentum, and the resulting output does not correlate with the time or effort it took. It gets...


No doubt we are creatures of habit. In many ways, we harmlessly begin a practice; soon enough, the pattern becomes ingrained in us, and we become reliant on it. Drinking caffeine or eating sugar. For some, it may be the occasional pleasure of indulgence, while for...

Horse at water

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. The idiom is relevant in many facets. Individuals will talk about wanting to change and or make a difference, so they seek guidance and plan how to get there, and then often find failure. Very simply, it...

Building chains

The chain comprises multiple links that come together and connect perfectly. Only when they are all connected is it whole, and disconnecting just one link will make the entire chain ineffective.  The principle of building or breaking habits and behaviors is the same....