Momentum is all too necessary to attain your goals. It may take some effort and time to get it going.  Initial efforts seem to produce little return, but then we gain momentum, and the resulting output does not correlate with the time or effort it took. It gets easier. This applies to effort, investment, and even personal commitments. 

And we can kill it all the same. When we stop the momentum, it seems to dissipate as quickly as it began.  Anyone who has taken on a new skill, exercise regimen, or nutrition plan will know the beginning feels so hard. Through perseverance, you get going, and soon enough, you seem to be in a groove of sorts. You then stop. A few days, a week, and then two. Soon enough, the momentum reverses and getting back to where you became hard. 

We create momentum through habit. It is crucial and requires consistency.  Organizations will take on something new to make a change. It is exciting, and there is initial enthusiasm. Until we stop, we drop the ball no sooner than it took to pick it up.

The strategies and initiatives are essential, but what is even more telling is the momentum you can create by consistently following through.
