The new shoes, socks, pen, ritual … was the reason for your recent success. You use that item again/perform the same pattern, and low and behold, more success. Many famous people follow elaborate routines based to some extent on their superstitions. Think tennis, golf, and so on. 

We are thoughtful and deliberate in our preparation. We likely set our minds for success. We practice, we strategize for execution, we plan to win. There is a will.

We are amazed at our good fortune and achievements and how we find ourselves on a path of ongoing success. We often attribute the shift in our outcomes to a ritual, or something we wore or did differently, or plain good luck

Continue to hug your friend, wear the same underwear, avoid walking on cracks, or whatever else you do. Even call it luck.  It’s a small part of your detailed preparedness that is working for you, so stick with it.

You may just be your superpower, and you can hold on to the superstition, too, just as the pros do.
