As organizations and individuals, we look to make life simple and easy. We want comfort, we want to achieve results with the least effort possible, and we want to enjoy success.

The secret to the success for most individuals and organizations who have attained their holy grail one element was in common: suffering and failure. There were complications, challenges, and hard times, as well as a hefty dose of adversity before they got to the results they sought.

The ultra-runner who attains the milestone they seek requires dedication, daily commitment to that goal, and relentless pursuit. Then, of course, there are injuries, pain, and self-doubt – can I do this? Yet, through practice and persistence, the plans are achieved, and once we complete the first one, we have a sense that success is attainable, and we seek to do better next time.

Possibly we need to embrace the hardship and look at this as a path that we need to take and overcome.  Take on the challenge and defeat it. From that, we develop strength and a sense of accomplishment. Through action and grit, we find success.
