We are so intent on being responsive and reactive, with quick often being the primary goal.  Is that always the best option?  How often do you say or do something to only wish you had thought about it for a moment?  When you have put your proverbial foot in the mouth’ or made that unnecessary impulsive buy, has it been the result of your deliberation and thoughtfulness?  Did you take a moment to pause and reflect before taking any action?  If you had, how often would the outcome have been a different one, and likely one of greater positivity?

It happens to us every day. So why not take a breath.  Instead of giving an immediate response or acting, respond with ‘let me give it some thought.’ When can you use it?  At home and work, with clients, colleagues, your partner or kids, or even the stranger on the street. Use it for day-to-day actions and for big decisions too.  Think of the benefits. You will not only sound thoughtful and deliberate, have less regret, disappointment, and potential humiliation because of an impulsive decision or action.  So take a pause.  You may save more than just face; it will likely make for better financial outcomes.
