Who does not feel the need or occasionally enjoy cussing to emphasize, exaggerate or vent? There is a small personal sense of fulfillment in doing so. Why? Very likely because we know that it’s not the acceptable language, and we can break the rules and get away with it—a sense of being bold and risky.

To what benefit other than that momentary satisfaction, and by whose account? We need to question the motivation for a  person who feels the need to use expletives constantly. Maybe it’s for pleasure. Perhaps they lack a command of appropriate colorful language to help express themselves, since how can one word comprehensively describe so many situations, verbs, and nouns? Possibly they seek a sense of power or are compensating for insecurities and inadequacies. 

If it is inappropriate with some people or circumstances, why will it be appropriate in others? And who dictates these boundaries? Surely if we can come up with abbreviations for words or seemingly in a clever way disguise words with others, we may well be able to take command of the appropriate language with similar ease.

You may obtain the reaction of attention you need using a word once, and possibly with some justification, yet beyond that to what avail and whose benefit?. Do we genuinely recognize those who perpetually use profound, request cussing to make a point? In all truth, we barely notice serial users, and if we do, it is for the expletives and not the richness in the content of their message or point. No one is impressed, so we may as well stop.
