Saints in religion is a status given to individuals posthumously to acknowledge their work during their lives to recognize their service to people and serve as an example of service to others. In the quirky yet relevant comedy St. Vincent, a saint is ‘someone who serves other people at great sacrifice.’

Humankind is blessed with those people: saints. Those who give to others with very little expectation in return. The unsung flawed individuals play a significant role in others’ lives because they are who they are. They do exist, and they are around us. Yet, we may not necessarily give them their deserved recognition because they do not meet society’s accepted criteria worthy of the acknowledgment of fame, fortune, beauty, and power. Without the saints, many would be lost. A little recognition and even gratitude may even be infectious.

“Saints never give up. Saints fight for themselves and others. Saints make sacrifices. Saints are human beings, very human beings.”
