We spend countless hours developing a proposal and doing our best to win the contract, only discovering that someone else won the opportunity. You may be fortunate to learn why that occurred or, in some instances, possibly not. It happened. 

Similar experiences may apply to trying to win anything, a race or competition, the job or promotion, a new contract, even in matters of the heart. Being snubbed by others is deflating. There is a sense of rejection and being less than worthy. No one likes it; it feels awful and stirs up emotion. Nevertheless, the rejection occurred, and that event is now the past. At this inflection point, we have a choice. Feel loss or view it as an opportunity to take productive action.

Maybe you were not good enough or worthy. Learn from it. Possibly you were not ready for the promotion. Grow from it. The job, client, or person may not be suitable for you. Move on. 

For every opportunity lost, there are millions more awaiting us. The rebuff may help you develop further, become better, be more resilient, and ultimately enhance you through the experience. Is this a loss or a gain, the choice is yours alone?
