A beautiful morning and you are enjoying that first cup of the day. And you think you need to take the dog for a walk, then get ready for the day ahead, and then, and then.  Did you even savor the luscious notes of your morning brew, the delicate fragrance, and warm sensation as you take a slow sip, the feeling it created in your mouth, and wonder what it took to get that drink into your hands, from seed to cup?

We are accustomed to being the juggler who cannot keep it all up, that we accept dropping things is to be expected. Why? Do you not want to be proficient in what you do most of the time, or do you want just to get by?

Slow down will inevitably permit you to speed ahead. You will likely gain control and feel more accomplished and successful, bringing even more remarkable achievements. Enjoy your cup, and take in the moment, for it too will soon pass.
