A recent experience somewhat placed me in a digital abyss that was profoundly revealing and liberating. Realizing that we are tethered to smart devices for extended periods and almost constantly. Do you look at your phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night? How many hours do you spend on the phone each day?

Yet, we have no time to get outside, spend time with those we care for, or call a friend who is long distant. Imagine a slow walk or reading a book. What luxury. Yet, our phones, tablets, laptops, television, and other digital devices command our limited attention and time.

There was a period I gave myself a weekly digital break, and to my amazement, I experienced fulfillment and relaxation. More so, there was always a sense of personal enrichment and never a sense of missing out on anything. 

Like your mobile and portable devices, our batteries need to recharge. Unfortunately, when we run flat, we cannot run at full speed, and inevitably we perform some functions at a suboptimal level.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, this is one practice I highly recommend. A day a week. Lose the tether and use those two-plus hours in the day to enrich yourself. If you say you can’t possibly do it for many reasons, ask yourself what you are depriving yourself of because of your bias.
