Organizations in the hospitality industry are facing an almost unprecedented personnel problem. The issue is not theirs alone but one that afflicts many organizations. The problem is people are not showing up for work, and it hits small private businesses really hard, crippling them.

Owners and leaders complain that ‘individuals are not what they used to be.’ So true. But then, times, too, have changed. If you are going to prepare a letter, is a typewriter your chosen device?  Likely not. There are several far more convenient options available, so why would you use something less efficient and effective?

Why would someone show up when they may have something better to do that gives them satisfaction and there is appreciation? Yes, they have a job, but then again, possibly the work, environment, culture, and people do not motivate them or allow them to feel they are valued. Today more than ever, people have options. The individual who is taking excessive sick leave may be ill, or possibly they may feel their work is making them ill.

What are you doing as an organization that inspires and excites employees to spend time with you? Financial compensation is a start, but it does not solve the problem.  Look at the team and look at the behaviors. If it is not aligned with your expectations, likely, you do not have the right expectations in place for your team or yourself.
