In our age of convenience and quick and easy access, we are accustomed to getting what we want when we need it and with minimal effort. For many, all we require is a smartphone to accumulate and do whatever we desire through the device’s functionality.

This ease of self-gratification creeps into our thoughts, where it is all too simple to lament what we do not have and seek more things. We can complain about wearing masks, increasing inflation because of supply chain shortages, and possibly even elements such as the job you have, the weather, or a person that may be your annoyance. 

We as a civilization are in a period of opportunity, abundance, and prosperity. Few of us have experienced genuine hardship and will likely ever. We have not encountered personal famine, homelessness, or being thrust into war. We have not experienced significant uncertainty, and if anything, we have some inconvenience. Our immediate generations have not been as privileged – parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents – and they, in turn, felt fortunate.   

We may have unfulfilled needs and wants, but if we strain ourselves to think about the treasure of what we have and look down and consider what may be – we do not have to look too far across the globe – we can appreciate our wealth of present prosperity and future opportunity.  
