Building one up takes decades and requires consistency and deliberate action to create, build, and nurture. While it is not always possible to define one’s reputation, we gain it through repeated interactions with others and establishing a common thread of solid performance. The more we reinforce a behavior or value, the more excellent our reputation.

Yes, it can take mere minutes to destroy a reputation that you thoughtfully develop. Your actions today are what matters, and upon these, is the basis of your present evaluation. Your reputation is not challenged or brought into question in most instances, and your standings remain intact. In the future, a situation will put you to the test.

In those moments, ask yourself, how would you feel if those you respect and admire and whose opinion matters to you discovered what you were about to do or say or did or say? If your conviction and decision hold, your reputation is intact. It is your reputation, and you are best equipped to care for it.
