A term applied to suggest coming back or a ‘do-over’. Used in sports, relationships, careers, and corporations, the suggestion that one gets the opportunity to do it again and revisit a situation is uplifting and opportunistic.

Rebounds are integral in life since rarely do things go according to plan. Instead, we meet disappointment and discontent the first time. And then we get to do it all again, except better this time.

Think back on a relationship or a job that you separated from. You were likely disenchanted and down on yourself if it was not your choice. Well-meaning friends often advise, ‘you need to get into a new relationship as soon as possible’ or ‘find a job fast.’ Well-meaning and understandable, it is also often ill-advised.

The focus becomes finding a new job or relationship. But are they all equal? Step back and ask what it is that you desire from the opportunity. Learn from past mistakes, since there are some, and adjust.

Rebounding is not about finding a replacement but instead about doing it better.
