Ever been in that situation where you begin to ponder a situation, discussion, or even an opportunity? You start the conversation, and then another voice with contrary perspectives adds doubt. Possibly a third one is introduced with an alternative view. Funnily enough, none know the correct move since it is based on assumptions, hypotheses, and subjectivity.

The discussion was all with me, myself, and I. We all do it, but it ultimately creates angst and minimal benefit.

Can we quiet our minds, focus on the actions we can take and what we can control, and give our mischievous minds a break? So much of what we feel, we create, and often with negative consequences.

You won’t learn much new with your self-dialog, which will likely not help your cause. A good strategy is just to do something else. Read a book, have a conversation with another person, or get outdoors and do what you can to quieten it.
