Ideas flow like a river through our minds every day, like a spin in a washing machine. Studies tell us that we juggle a whopping 60,000 thoughts daily. It’s a marvel that we expect to remember them all. But, inevitably, we watch those brilliant ideas slip away like sand through our fingers.

Here’s a simple remedy: Put it in writing. Research proves that jotting things down ensures a 100% chance of remembering and sharing. Well, that doubles your odds. I can hardly recall a short grocery list from home to the store without a note.

Make it a habit—carry a pocket-sized notebook or embrace your smartphone’s notepad. Get those ideas down.

But it’s not just about remembering. It’s about clearing the mental clutter. Rather than letting thoughts swirl endlessly, capturing them on paper adds context, reduces confusion, and liberates your mind for fresh thinking.

Amid your myriad unconventional notions, who’s to say which one might ignite a blaze of brilliance? Don’t squander those sparks—scribe them down.
