Not too many decades ago, we were far more attuned to seasonal produce. Then, it was common for people to reap the summer harvest’s richness and seek ways to preserve them for the winter. In some ways, these practices continue, and there is a resurgence in these practices. 

Interestingly there was and is such intentionality with the process, the foresight, the planning, the preparation, and the doing. By doing so, we ensure we can enjoy the abundance of the warmer seasons to help us sustain ourselves into the darker, cold winter months.

The concept of preservation is one we should practice more. Not solely with produce, but instead with our lives in general. In the workplace and our individual lives. It is simpler to prepare for the complex and challenging experiences in times of abundance than when we are being challenged and possibly suffering.

When an organization is thriving and doing well, do we take the time to ask ourselves, ‘what if?’  Do we appreciate how we may respond to adversity and loss and are we prepared?

Similarly, when we are doing well and feel we are in control of our personal lives and have a sense of overall satisfaction, that is the time to consider possible adversity in our health, careers, relationships, and finances and plan for it.

We may believe that because we are experiencing abundance, there is no need to heed such thoughts of demise. Yet, when adversity befalls us, is that the time to plan and prepare when we are down and weakened? Our mere thinking of possibilities may well be why we can cope with the winters of our existence.

If we can be confident that we should be thoughtful and prepared, we will suffer less, and in many situations, we may even mitigate the onset of any adverse demise.
