Have you dreamed? Ever wondered what you are capable of? We have all imagined what it may be like if we _____. It may be your family life, career, creativity, or physical health. If we let the fear go and focus on the passion, what potential lays ahead.

What if? Yet, few of us will ever know what we are capable of. The love, aspirations, ambitions, prowess, and heights. Not that we are incapable of dreaming, but we lack the resolve to pursue it. How easy is it to deviate from what we believe we deserve or should follow? We opt for comfort and ease. With that, we lose all sense of what may be.

In the US, we celebrate today because of those before us who allowed themselves to dream and went in pursuit of it, with tremendous adversity and obstacles before them.

Imagine if, just for 30 days, you resolved to pursue your potential without excuses or compromise. But, do you ever ask what your possibility is? And is that comfort worthy of stifling your brilliance or tranquility? 

As we celebrate the country’s  Independence, we can craft our own. After all, only you know what you want and can be capable of. It is possible.
