Could your outlook on life be the very hurdle tripping you up? Many of us are caught in the Rearview Mirror Syndrome (RMS), driving forward while fixated on the past, letting old setbacks dictate future ventures. If you’ve ever dodged new chances because they’re uncharted territories, RMS might be your unwanted passenger.

Take commitment fears, often rooted in bygone heartbreaks—an RMS classic. Then, there’s our tendency to see life’s moments as standalone episodes. Skipping today’s workout seems inconsequential, but it’s a small stitch in the fabric of your future self.

T. Harv Eker, in “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,” nails it: “How you do anything is how you do everything.” Isolate incidents, and you’ll weave a tapestry of leniency, where ‘just this once’ morphs into ‘just how I am.’ It’s a subtle sabotage of your dreams, with excuses as your co-conspirators.

Breaking free from yesterday’s shadow and excuse-laden narratives is essential—your life, your rules — but first, a fresh frame of mind.
