We all tell stories. We tell them to ourselves, to our friends, to our families, and to the world. The stories we tell shape how we see the world and how others see us. They can be powerful forces for good or evil.

So, what kind of stories do you want to tell?

Do you want to tell stories that are boring and mundane? Or do you want to tell stories that are exciting and memorable? Do you want to tell stories that are full of clichés and platitudes? Or do you want to tell stories that are original and thought-provoking?

The choice is yours.

The stories you tell matter. They matter to you, and they matter to the world. Take the time to tell good stories. Stories that will make people think, stories that will make people laugh, stories that will make people cry. Stories that will change the world.

As Seth Godin said, “The stories we tell ourselves become our reality.”

So, what are some everyday examples of the stories we tell?

When selling a product, you tell a story about its benefits and distinction. You’re painting a picture of how this product will make people’s lives better. You’re showing them how it’s different from the competition. You’re creating a narrative that will compel them to buy.

When applying for a new job or position, you tell a story about your skills and potential. You’re highlighting your accomplishments. You’re explaining why you’re the best person for the job. You’re creating a narrative that will convince the hiring manager to give you a shot.

Even in your work, how you present data and metrics tells a story. You’re not just giving numbers. You’re telling a story about the progress you’re making. You’re showing how your work is impacting the company. You’re creating a narrative to help you get the necessary resources to succeed.

What kind of stories are you sharing? Are they the stories you want to be telling? Are they the stories that will help you achieve your goals?

If not, then it’s time to start telling better stories. Start telling stories that are exciting and memorable. Stories that are original and thought-provoking. Stories that will make people think, laugh, and cry. Start telling stories that will change the world.

The stories we tell matter. They matter to us, and they matter to the world. Tell good stories.
